Media Research, Buying, & Planning

Like any undertaking, strategic media planning starts with research. The growing availability of thousands of media options can be confusing. These options will have a different effect depending on the region and target market. We study who your target audience is, what their media habits are and how to reach them. We further look at the statistics of viewer profiles and reach with each media option. We take all the options that best fit your needs and move on to media planning.

After the research comes the planning. We analyze the media environment, set goals and a budget. We find the right media placement options, while evaluating all media venues and alternatives. We will adjust the plan based on performance.

With the groundwork set in place, buying media is as simple as implementing the strategy. We always negotiate the lowest possible media rates while still maintaining a close, friendly relationship with media buyers. We take advantage of last minute discount offers, special opportunities and promotions, and negotiate multi-year contracts with little to no year-to-year increases. We will provide recurring performance assessments to keep you informed about what we are doing to maintain your brand’s visibility and engagement of your web presence.

Who We Service

Law firm marketing

Have you noticed your law firm not ranking like you would want too? Let us design, track, & market your firm today. We know what to do to keep your law firm in front of your potential clients.


small business marketing

Contact us if you would like a personalized marketing strategy for your business today! Chriss David & Associates offer marketing and Advertising to all small businesses.


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